Possum Control in Canberra
Possums tend to reside in ceilings, chimneys and building eaves, causing noise and structure damage to the home and garden. If they take up residence in your roof, their droppings can stain the ceiling.
Possums normally make their homes in tree hollows but if none are available they will use any suitable, dark place including the space between the ceiling and roof of houses and in garages. Here they can cause sleepless nights for the humans living below as they move about and interact with other possums. Rats and mice will also inhabit the roof space and, although smaller than a possum, they can still make a lot of noise. The presence of rats and mice is sometimes obvious due to their distinctive smell and droppings.
Canberra Possum Control Services
Possum Pest Control Canberra
If a possum has moved into your home, blocking the entry point at night when the possum is out feeding is the only way to guarantee that it will not return. People should contact OZ Pest Control Canberra who can assist in removing the possum and finding and blocking any entry points. If you do not hear the possum for a few nights, it has probably found a new home. It may remain in the area if it finds a suitable place to nest or it may move to a new location.
Possums can be delightful creatures with their impressive acrobatics and cute and cuddly appearance best enjoyed from a distance. You can encourage them to stay in your neighbourhood by providing an alternative home such as nesting boxes made of a hollow log blocked at one end, or some other form of homemade shelter. It should be waterproof and placed four to five metres above the ground.
Possums are protected under the Nature Conservation Act 2014 and it is illegal for an unauthorised person to trap or harm them. Trapping, removing or killing a possum without a licence carries severe penalties.